Nashville Scene Best of 2022: SoBros Network (For Blog)

Image From SoBros Network

This post is a shout out to the SoBros Network as my vote for the Nashville Scene Best of 2022: Blog.

What Is the SoBros Network

The SoBros Network is a Nashville based media company that started in 2013. They’re a comedy brand that focuses on Nashville life, professional sports, college football, movie and restaurant reviews, local news, fan fiction, and the type of viral humor topics that one would hear discussed on The Free Beer & Hot Wings Morning Radio Show and The Pod. They serve area code 615. The major cities in that area are Brentwood, Franklin, Gallatin, Hendersonville, La Vergne, Lebanon, Mt. Juliet, Murfreesboro, Nashville, and Smyrna.

During December 2021, the NashvilleVoyager Magazine interviewed SoBros Network editor-in-chief Stoney Keeley. Keeley went into detail about what readers can expect from him and his company. The company hauls in around 50,000 page views, podcast downloads, and video views per month. They were hosting live events but the pandemic shut them down. Their live comedy shows and other events will return sooner than later.

The SoBros Network mission statement is to create a form of journalism that prioritizes social engagement over sensationalism and click-bait. They want to establish lifelong relationships with their followers. The end goal is to make the world a better place.

The best way I can describe it is that the SoBros Network is the Ke$ha spectrum – when we get serious about our writing, we are as good as “Praying,” but when we let loose, we are as fun as “Tik Tok.”

Editor-in-chief Stoney Keeley, The Nominees For The SoBros Network’s 2021 Spirit Of Nashville Awards

Who Are the SoBros?

You can see what they say about themselves. Below is a quick rundown of each of the seven SoBros.

Nashville Scene Best of 2022: Why the SoBros Network Deserves Your Vote


The SoBros Network are a godsend to their community during times of need. During the last five years, the SoBros Network has raised donations for multiple causes. Steven Whitehouse and Friends, Book’em Nashville, Room In the Inn, the Nashville Humane Association, The JOY Clinic, and the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program are among those who’ve reaped the benefits. They’ve also helped restore the community during natural disasters.

Stoney Keeley Nashville tornado relief 2020
SoBros volunteering at Room In The Inn

The SoBros Network is in its 10th year of shooting the breeze with their viewers. The company is a multi-niche content platform featuring a team of writers and podcasters who discuss whatever is on their mind. They’re a blithesome group of men and women whose humor isn’t for the most solemn personalities. They love to have fun and they’re not afraid of showing that.

Exuding passion is about more than having fun. Brandon Vick has written nearly 900 articles and produced more than 100 podcasts that display his enthusiasm for movies. Vick graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with an electronic media productions degree. He has parlayed this hobby into a credentialed Music City Film Critics Association membership. He covers film festivals throughout the entire country.

A terrified Brandon Vick (left) with Matt Riddle, 2017 Scenic City Invitational

The SoBros Network recognize Middle Tennesseans who are exemplary citizens that contribute important services to the community. They’ve presented rewards to Paul Heggen (2017), WKRN’s Good Morning Nashville (2018), Bussin’ With The Boys (2019), Daddy’s Dogs (2020), @NashSevereWx (2020), and Kevin Byard (2021). Furthermore, they’ve paid respect to many of the local sports podcasts. Football & Other F Words is the most recent winner of their 2021 Nashville Best Sports Podcast award.

Paul Heggen (left) getting the first ever SoBros Spirit of Nashville award (2017)
WKRN Good Morning Nashville getting a SoBros Spirit of Nashville award (2018)
Taylor Lewan (Bussin’ With The Boys) getting a SoBros Spirit of Nashville award (2019)

The SoBros Spirit of Nashville awards are given to Middle Tennesseans who are humble, fearless, uplifting, and accomplished. Are you a force of good in the world? These traits are so highly respected because the website wouldn’t have started or survived as long as it has without the indestructible spirit from its creators.

Editor-in-chief Keeley was an aspiring wrestler whose dream perished after he suffered four concussions on top of several back and knee injuries. I talked about how Jon Moxley (also known as Dean Ambrose) went from a high school dropout to world champion at multiple companies in my MOX book review. Wrestlers have a crazy and resolute spirit. It’s difficult to transition from an entertainment mindset to a traditional lifestyle.

Wrestling was out of the equation. Keeley had to learn how to unlock that energy to another skill. Eventually, he gained enough confidence to write online. He wrote at multiple outlets before he started this company. For nearly 10 years, Keeley has dealt with financial concerns, website maintenance, surprise legal matters, a pandemic that occurred right when his company was gaining momentum, and the rest of the 35-50 hours of weekly responsibilities. This doesn’t include the time that he commits to his regular job and family.

Like John Cena would say, “Never Give Up!” In Nashville, the SoBros spirit embodies that catchphrase.


From the ground up, the SoBros Network has built a blossoming media company with scarce resources. They’ve taken a “Learn as you go” approach. Pretty much everything they’ve earned is from the bonds that they’ve made over the last nine years. They’re a voice that promotes the hidden gems within the alternative media landscape (e.g. 440 Sports). The company has been a venue that offers writers and podcasters an opportunity to hone their craft so they can pursue a larger audience.

Where to Vote For the Nashville Scene Best of 2022 Nominees?

You can vote for the SoBros Network or your favorites at the Nashville Scene. Click on “Media & Politics,” find “Best Blog (local), then write-in your choice. The voting goes from August 4 through September 6. The Nashville Scene will announce winners on October 13. You can follow the contest through the hashtag #BON22

How to Support SoBros Network

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