Barely Sociable: YouTube Spotlight Of The Best, 15

Barely Sociable: YouTube Spotlight Of The Best
Image From Barely Sociable Twitter Profile, June 25, 2022

Check out the Barely Sociable YouTube videos page and the Slightly Sociable YouTube videos page. I highly recommend electronic music fans to check out his lesser known side project, Barely Musical.

Welcome to my YouTube spotlight series. As an avid follower of about 50 channels, I’m going to praise some of my favorite content creators. This includes people who have subscriber totals ranging from the tens of thousands to millions. I like to follow channels that cover sports, horror, mystery, debate, wrestling, otters, and charismatic content creators who have a cheerful demeanor.

Who Is Barely Sociable / Slightly Sociable?

Hi I’m Barely Sociable. I create analysis videos for the odd corners of the internet.

Barely Sociable YouTube about page, June 25, 2022

Barely Sociable / Slightly Sociable create documentaries for the YouTube mystery genre. If I had to compare him to someone, then I’d say he’s like Nexpo but with a much greater focus on mystery than horror. Barely Sociable covers topics that the mainstream media tends to avoid. Most of his videos revolve around international conspiracies. He’s a respected member of the community who has done collaborations with other key channels such as Nexpo, ReignBot, and blameitonjorge.

Why You Should Subscribe To Barely Sociable / Slightly Sociable

Before Researching For This Series…

Barely Sociable / Slightly Sociable were always a pair of channels that I considered as side menu items more so than entrées. I always assumed that his content was a bridge that filled the gap when waiting for a deep dive from one of my favorite heavy hitters: Nexpo, Nick Crowley, and blameitonjorge. I’d confuse Barely Sociable with ScareTheater whenever I saw one of them have a new video on my YouTube subscriptions list.

Don’t get me wrong: I always thought Barely Sociable was good. I thought enough about him to become one of his 260 patrons. I just thought of him as more of a gatekeeper than a true main event player in the mystery genre. If Nexpo and Nick Crowley were The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin, then Barely Sociable would’ve been Kane.

He was getting lost in the shuffle.

Barely Sociable / Slightly Sociable Is VERY Underrated

I didn’t put it all together until I studied both of his channels. That’s when I realized, “Wait a minute, all of these classic documentaries were from the same guy?”

My initial plan was that I wasn’t even going to create a post about him unless I wrote more than 20 spotlights. That changed after I started researching the channels on my subscription list. He’s every bit as good as my aforementioned favorites. His videos are very important because of his choice of topics. He isn’t afraid to dive into the government and dark web conspiracies that affect the American citizens.

There is a lot of information that people need to know. Then there’s the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) cafeteria meltdowns that have almost started a civil war.

Barely Sociable has a narrating voice that’s very easy to listen to. It’s so silky smooth that it puts me to sleep in a way that only John Maus can do with “Hey Moon.”He’s not the most exciting speaker but he presents his information in a way that’s easy to understand. He’s very active on social media and occasionally responds to his followers.

Channel Distribution

I’m left to wonder why I overlooked the quality of his channels. Maybe the bland logos that say, “Barely Sociable” don’t catch my attention. I believe a lot of it has to do with rotating between two channels. Barely Sociable has the longer videos that are his top submissions. Slightly Sociable has a lot more shorter videos that are still high quality.

It’s weird because Slightly Sociable has fewer than one-third the subscribers; yet, it’s just as good as the main channel. Is everyone aware that Slightly Sociable exists? I’m certain that the more than one million Barely Sociable followers would also love Slightly Sociable. I used to think that Slightly Sociable was a backup channel but it’s more like a 1B.

Barely, Slightly, and the mysterious Fairly Sociable are the YouTube version of Elias, Ezekiel, and the mysterious Elrod.


I’ve gained a greater appreciation for the Barely Sociable and the Slightly Sociable video catalogs. After deep diving into his channels, I’d change my Kane comparison to The Undertaker. Barely Sociable / Slightly Sociable is more of a true main event player than a gatekeeper. He creates top notch mystery content with the best of them. It’s just a matter of whether you prefer horror or conspiracies.

What I’d Like To See From Barely Sociable / Slightly Sociable

Earlier in 2022 he took a six month hiatus. Before that, he posted about once per month. I always like to see a channel release at least one video per month but his videos are well worth the wait.

Good news…

Barely Sociable Profile

  • Join Date: March 27, 2019
  • Subscribers: 1.08M
  • Channel Views: 61M
  • Publishing Frequency: Monthly when active; just returned from an absence of about six months.

Slightly Sociable Profile

  • Join Date: January 7, 2020
  • Subscribers: 328K
  • Channel Views: 13.5M
  • Publishing Frequency: Monthly when active; just returned from an absence of about five months.
The Dark Side Of The Silk Road – 9.4M Views, Published November 20, 2019

This is the most viewed video on either channel and for good reason. This video is 75 minutes about the first modern darknet market. Seventy percent of the products were drug related. We see conversations from people who had seller and business connections. There were casual discussions about kidnappings and executions for business benefit.

What happened during the trial of Ross Ulbricht and what was the aftermath? How did the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) track down those who were responsible for Silk Road? What is the true story regarding

My Favorite Videos

The Music Industry’s Darkest Secret

Barely Sociable left for about six months but came back with this absolute masterpiece. This video is almost 90 minutes on the darkest secrets within the music industry. He talks about the lower life expectancy of musicians when compared to other professions. The truth is that artists are worth much more to a record company after they pass away.

How much of an impact do crime families have when deciding who the listeners get to hear? What happens if an artist doesn’t make enough money for these organized crime bosses? Viewers learn that promotions are often based on fraud, sex, violence, and corruption. Don’t do as you’re told and you could find yourself in a murder conspiracy.

Please note that this is Part 1 of at least a three-part series.

The Hospital Abandoned Without A Reason (Ft. ReignBot)

From the video description:

The Kempton Park Hospital is one mystery lost to time. In 1996 it was abandoned for no known reason. Everyone mysteriously packed up shop and no explanation was given. In today’s video, we will dig through the rumors to try and get to the bottom of what happened.

(Description of video)

This video always stuck with me. Why would a government abandon millions of dollars in hospital equipment and thousands of confidential patient files? They still feel the need to have security guards protect the deserted hospital. The hospital was built to last until 2078; yet, it closed down in 1996.

The Dark Side Of Spotify

This video comes from the Slightly Sociable channel. He shows us that Spotify has a world full of hacking, fraud, botnets, stream farms, and deception. YouTube has had to crack down on billions of fake views from major record label channels. What does Spotify have to gain with click fraud? Why doesn’t Spotify do more to eliminate the fake artists that steal playlist spots from the real humans?

How To Support Barely Sociable / Slightly Sociable?

You can support him through the Twitter that’s posted below, his Barely Musical Spotify, Patreon, Reddit, Discord (requires invite), Twitch, and a store that offers clothing, cellphone cases, and tote bags. His Patreon provides early access to videos, name credits at the end of videos, teasers, channel updates, and some question and answers sessions.

Barely Sociable / Slightly Sociable Twitter

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